NGC Green appoints new President

NGC Green: Transforming Trinidad and Tobago’s Energy Landscape

NGC Green Company Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NGC, helping to institute a cleaner energy future through investment in low-carbon fuels, energy efficiency, sustainable transportation and associated research and development.

Who We Are

About Us

Absorbed into NGC Green is NGC CNG, charged with accelerating the use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as an alternative vehicular fuel in Trinidad and Tobago. The decision to expand NGC CNG’s focus into a more encompassing business model under NGC Green was a direct response to the Government of Trinidad and Tobago’s clean energy targets and prevailing market dynamics. It also positions NGC for long-term relevance in a changing energy landscape.

Key Focus Areas

NGC Green will focus on the following:

  • Strategic investments in vital decarbonisation projects and technologies
  • Transportation (CNG, Electric Vehicles, alternative fuels such as hydrogen and methanol)
  • Renewable and low-carbon energy (solar, wind, LNG, biogas)
  • Energy efficiency (SuperESCOs, education programmes)
  • Research and development

This diversified portfolio positions NGC Green as a leader in the sustainable energy sector.

The operational objectives of NGC Green are aligned with Trinidad and Tobago’s commitments under the Paris Agreement, its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), and COP26 pledges. The company aspires to contribute to Trinidad and Tobago’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 15% – or 103,000,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent – by 2030.

Regional & International Impact

Beyond the borders of Trinidad and Tobago, NGC Green aims to expand its reach into the wider Caribbean region. Leveraging existing capabilities, the company envisions collaboration with regional partners to accelerate the “Green Agenda” and promote sustainable energy practices. Internationally, the company aims to fulfil targets that support the following targets to 2030:

  • Tripling of RE installed capacity from 3382GW in 2022 to 11174GM
  • Doubling the annual rate of energy efficiency improvements from 2% to 4% every year until 2030
  • Implement projects to capture around 1.2 gigatonnes of CO2 by 2030 – this is 4 times our current target.
  • By the end of this decade – just six years from now – we must make deforestation a net-zero activity
  • Methane emissions generated from our industries need to fall by 30% to 60%.

The creation of NGC Green represents a pivotal step towards a sustainable energy future for Trinidad and Tobago. Through a diversified focus, regional collaboration, and a commitment to clean energy, NGC Green aims to be a catalyst for positive change in the energy sector.


Board of Directors

The Green Company Board of Directors brings together decades of cross-industry, globally diverse experience to ensure the Green Company stays progressive and meets its mandate.

  • Dr. Joseph Ishmael Khan


    Dr. Khan presently leads and collaborates on development projects in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados, Belize, Bahamas, Grenada, Suriname and Germany, France and Spain for private and public sector organisation…

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  • Dan Martineau


    Mr. Martineau joined the NGC Board on July 5th 2019. He holds a BSc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA in International Finance from The University of the West Indies…

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  • Howard A.W. Dottin


    Howard A.W. Dottin was appointed Director on the Board of NGC in February 2020. Mr. Dottin holds an Executive MBA from The University of the West Indies and is a Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant…

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  • Sandra Fraser


    Ms. Sandra Fraser who was recently appointed to the CNG NGC board of directors brings considerable public sector experience to her appointment. Ms. Fraser holds a BSc in Economics from…

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  • Professor Donnie Videsh Boodlal


    Professor. Boodlal has worked with international peers on Expert Review Teams for National Communications and Biennial Reports through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and with Regional Governments in…

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  • Mark Loquan


    A Chemical Engineer by profession with over 30 years’ experience in the petrochemical industry. He was appointed President of The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) in September 2016 and was appointed Director…

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  • Lawrence J. Arjoon


    Chief Executive Officer of the Heroes Foundation, a Caribbean development centre that delivers strengths-based and rights-based, child and youth-friendly interventions for psychosocial development…

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green energy

Contact Us

Orinoco Drive,
Point Lisas Industrial Estate
Point Lisas, Couva, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
1 (868) 636 4662 / 4680 x3407